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The purpose of our Code of Ethics is to ensure that all participants in the Meteorite Club community have the best possible experience. We are all here to help each other learn, grow our skillsets, advance provenance and have a good time!


The Meteorite Club Code of Ethics covers our behavior as members of the Meteorite Club, in any forum, mailing list, course, web site, comment, chat, private correspondence, or public meetings.


As a worldwide community, diversity is one of our huge strengths, but it can also lead to communication issues and unhappiness. To that end, we have a few ground rules that we ask people will follow which ensures our club continues to be the best space to communicate, collaborate, and contribute.


We expect it to be followed in spirit as much as in the letter!



  • Be considerate. Your work will be used by other people, and you in turn will depend on the work of others. Any decision you take will affect users and colleagues, and you should take those consequences into account when making decisions.


  • Be patient. This mostly applies to forums, mailing lists, and code contributions (i.e. asynchronous forms of communication). Communities are often built on volunteer time both from participants and organizers. It is possible that your question or code contribution or suggestion might not receive an immediate response. Be patient and consider the norms of the community. One reminder ping is welcome, many reminder pings in rapid succession are not a good display of patience. Similarly, posting the same question in multiple threads is frowned upon and should not be done.


  • Be respectful. Not all of us will agree all the time, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behavior and poor manners. We might all experience some frustration now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration to turn into a personal attack. It’s important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one. We expect members of the community to be respectful when communicating with other members, as well as with people outside the Meteorite Club.


  • Be nice. Everyone in the community should feel welcome, regardless of their background. Please be courteous, respectful and polite to fellow community members. No offensive comments related to disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion; no real or implied violence, intimidation, oppression, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, or unwelcome attention will be tolerated.


  • Communicate effectively. We don’t all speak the same language at the same skill level. Clear communication can help to avoid misunderstandings, as can remembering that our interpretations of words can be different depending on our backgrounds. Having context is important. It’s better to ask for clarification than to make assumptions. Disagreements, social and technical, are normal, but we expect participants in the project to resolve disagreements constructively — so please avoid flamewars, trolling, personal attacks, and repetitive arguments.


  • Ask for help when unsure. Nobody is expected to be perfect in this community. Asking questions early avoids many problems later, so questions are encouraged, though they may be directed to the appropriate forum. Those who are asked should be responsive and helpful.


  • While debating and healthy discussions are fine, the admin will not tolerate rudeness, profanity, insulting and defamatory posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory comments. Each member is under obligation to conduct himself in a respectable manner at all times during his or her time spent in the Meteorite Club. Under no circumstances shall ungentlemanly conduct or obscene or profane language be permitted in the Club-rooms.


  • 1 AD PER DAY POLICY. Spamming is strictly not allowed! If you are advertising to sell a Meteorite you are only allowed to POST 1 ADVERTISEMENT in that 24 hour period. Otherwise you are spamming advertisements and making the experience less enjoyable for us all.


  • If you ever sold, or expect to sell – Your Profile Photos must show at least one valid Photo of you that is authentic and of you. This requirement is to create a social atmosphere where Identification, Authenticity and Provenance are paramount issues. This valid photo of you is to maintain transparency of identity to all our members when dealing with one another. Using only alias pictures or avatars, or one that impersonates another person is strictly prohibited. Selectively hiding your identity is also strictly prohibited.


  • ADMISSIONS SATURDAY. Acceptance of new member requests will only made on Saturdays. So remember this day and please be patient with our new users.


  • SUSPECT SUNDAY. Please mark this day in your calendar! This day you can post your suspect rocks 24 Hours! No limitations, no bad answers and a lot of friendly members want to help you to say you if you found a meteorite or just an earth rock or slag etc.


  • SCIENCE AND EDUCATION. All professional procedures regarding meteorite names and provenance must be adhered to. No piggy-backing, stealing or self pairing of meteorites will be tolerated. A meteorite is considered unclassified, unless you have provenance, proof of analysis and proper chain of custody.


  • You are solely responsible for your own prestige and reputation. Think before you post! Think before you reply! Your words determine who you are.


  • Kindly observe ethical behavior when posting. Any post that would dwindle and put the reputation of this group at risk will be deleted. The deletion will serve as a warning and violators will be banned the next time.


  • Members having suggestions or complaints about other members or a particular experience while taking part in this Organization may present them in writing to the Club administrators.


  • No posting of unrelated Meteorites or suspect Meteorites under another members post. If you want to start a new topic start a new post. It is phrobihited to offer for sale any Meteorites under any post you did not start.


In addition to this Code of Conduct, all Club events are governed by the following policy. All attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers, including the event organizing team, are required to follow the following policy. Organizers are expected to enforce this policy throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everyone.





Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, age, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome attention.


Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Sponsors are also subject to the anti-harassment policy.


If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the meetup organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the event.


If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please follow the directions in the “If You Need Help” section, directly below this policy.


We expect participants to follow these rules at our all of our event venues and event-related social events.



We reserve the right to remain independent


We reserve the right to keep your identity completely anonymous should any issues arise. We also reserve the right to forward any serious troubles to the local authorities and remain independent.



If You Need Help


Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting or using our CONTACT FORM to any forum moderator or to the local organizers of an event. As a company, we take our community’s health seriously and want to ensure everyone has a good experience, please contact us if you have an issue so we can help address it.
