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Mr. Theodosiou holds undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University of Bonn, is a scientific associate of the University of Athens, formerly teaching at the Platon Academy of Astronomy and Meteorites, president of the LOGOS AZ scientific association in Greece. In Eretria, Evoia, where it owns a space, it regularly performs group trips with members of the association for astronomical observations.

Takis Theodosiou is the author of the book ” Meteorites, the path to knowledge ” as well as the owner of the site and is a worldwide accepted member of the meteoritical community with years of experience in scientific research and abroad.

John Higgins lives in Northern New Jersey where he was born in 1978. He has a bachelors degree in Anthropology from Montclair State University. John Higgins is an active Meteorite Hunter, Collector & Professional Seller who steadfastly promotes the integrity and culture of meteorites and collecting. John believes it’s important that scientific study, analysis and subjective thinking are applied to all facets of meteorite collecting. He is President of Outer Space Rocks LLC where he has participated directly with the meteorite community and contributed well over 100 meteorite classifications including many new discoveries. Mr. Higgins continuously strives to bring the universe of Meteorites and all those in it closer together by his dedicated commitment to the Meteorite Club.

Alex Folta is one of the co-founders, the creative head and technical director of the Meteorite Club. With over twelve years of business and design experience, Alex is responsible for our widely recognized Meteorite Club design work as well as for all creative and technical processes and questions behind the scenes.

His portfolio includes work for global projects, well known brands and companys of the space and astronomy business and beyond. A true northerner in every way, Alex is a lifelong resident of Laatzen near Hanover in Germany and enjoys spending his free time with his daughter Fiona in the nature, watching stars, looking for meteorites or hunting fossils.

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