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Steve Arnold from Meteorite Men live on stage at TED talk

How a Professional Meteorite Hunter Finds Treasures from Space

How a Professional Meteorite Hunter Finds Treasure   Imagine holding a piece of the universe in your hand—one that’s traveled billions of miles across the vast expanse of space, survived fiery re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere, and landed here, waiting to be discovered. This is the extraordinary journey of meteorites, as described by Steve Arnold, a […]

Unknown Object asteroid

Odd Streak in the Sky: Solved – A Chinese Long March 12 Rocket Event

On November 30 and December 1, the astronomical community was captivated by a stunning and puzzling phenomenon: a single glowing cloud that lit up the skies and was visible from both Europe and Australia. Initially, this event left observers marveling and theorizing. Could it have been caused by a disintegrating asteroid crossing Earth’s Roche limit? […]

Discovery of Meteorite Fragments Near Haag, Austria after bright Fireball

Imagine a piece of space landing right in your backyard—or close to it. That’s what happened recently near Haag, a town in Lower Austria, when meteorite fragments from a spectacular fireball event were found scattered across fields. This discovery, involving local residents, scientists, and enthusiasts alike, brings a rare glimpse of the cosmos within reach […]

Gebel Kamil Crater

Destruction of the Gebel Kamil Crater: A Loss for Science and Collectors

  The Gebel Kamil crater, one of Egypt’s most well-preserved meteorite impact sites, has recently been destroyed by meteorite hunters seeking to profit from its rare iron meteorite fragments. This article will explore the importance of the Gebel Kamil crater, the extent of its destruction, and why purchasing these meteorites contributes to the problem. Consequences […]